July 14 - September 1, 2014

AbunDANCE with Keo!

AbunDANCE with Keo! Theliving.us

Welcoming all those with two left feet, a mean two step, folks who have their ballet shoes or old school Adidas in reach. Calling all folks who want to release anything they picked up that doesn't belong to them or anyone who just wants to give thanks for being able to move.

I will be teaching a mixture of Hip Hop, Salsa and African Dance! Classes are $12, 6-7pm and every last Monday classes are FREE and OPEN to the community!

To Save your Spot go to www.keomitarver.com to purchase classes online and receive discount packages. Or pay at the door using credit cards or cash! 

#LOVEis living in abundance rather than scarcity.
Come bask in YOUR light.
Let's delight in YOUR goodness.
Bring your dancing shoes, and move towards joy with me.
Much love!

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La Mama in association with Chen Dance Center presents H.T. Chen & Dancers January 24-26


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La Mama in association with Chen Dance Center presents H.T. Chen & Dancers January 24-26

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