March 9 - May 4, 2021

Adult Open Class: Modern - Horton Technique

DTH Company Artist Daphne Lee and Anthony Santos Rachel Neville

Take our Adult Open Class: Modern - Horton Technique on Tuesdays, 6:30-7:15pm ET, for FREE on YouTube. Our class will be taught by DTH Company Artist Daphne Lee and Anthony Santos. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the notification bell to be notified when we upload new videos and go live.

Daphne's Class dates: March 16th, April 6th, April 20th, and May 4th

Anthony's Class dates: March 9th, March 23rd, April 13th, and April 27th

Dive into the fundamentals of Lester Horton’s technique building strength, stamina throughout the whole body and brain stimulation. Students will engage in a series of anatomical exercises that deal with lengthening muscles and releasing the body while creating a grounded foundation for flexibility, coordination and freedom of expression. Daphne and Anthony’s approach to the Horton-based class is built with preserving the technique with added modifications making it suitable for every level. Enjoy this dynamic class as we play with percussive musicality and challenge the body and mind.

You don't want to miss it! Learn more about our Adult Open Classes

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