June, 3-17, 2023

Aerial Dance Repertory Workshop

Woman hanging upsidedown from her ankles with arms outstretched

Solo Repertory Workshop & Performance Opportunity

Join us in learning Blind Flying, a solo is from Fly-by-Night’s evening-length work, The Amelia Project, based on Amelia Earhart and other early aviators. The work challenges the dancer to hone their somatic skills because it is done blindfolded. Through repetition and faith, the dancer learns how to become aware of everything in their spatial landscape without using their visual sense.

Each class will begin with a somatic warm up.

This workshop is recommended for advanced dancers. The six minute dance will be taught in 5 classes.

The workshop ends with an optional performance/showing on Sunday, June 18th @ 3 PM

Saturday classes 3-5 pm on June 3, 10, 17
Sunday classes 11 am – 1 pm on June 4, 11
Optional Showing Sunday June 18 3-5 pm

LOCATION: 100 Grand Street in Soho

FEES: $125 = 5 classes / $40 = single drop-in class.

Register: https://flybynightdance.org/participate/classes/

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