Saturday, February 2, 2019

Anaïs Maviel: who is this ritual for and from?

Anaïs Maviel

In collaboration with choreographer Daria Faïn, composer and 2019 Van Lier Fellow Anaïs Maviel will offer a solo performance incorporating material that has nurtured her practice thus far. Designed as a performative ritual establishing a throughline between loneliness and relation, body, time and space, self and tools and machines, the night will transition into a duo set with pianist Sam Yulsman. Maviel and Yulsman’s collaborative work explores cyber poetics, performance roles, and magic. Alone together, in relation to the void, in relation to particles, conscious and subconscious, they will present a cyclic exploration of timescales and the possibilities of relation – ancient to future, physical to virtual, sacred to cyborg.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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