November, 1-2, 2018
Company: BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
Venue: BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
Location: Bronx, NY
‘Fruit Punch’ is a live performance work of varied perspectives, depicting the ins and outs of bullying and how it translates to adulthood. The work has many recorded and live audio influences including the sounds of a school yard, recited statistics, dissonant statistics, and music by Outkast and Bambounou. The impetuous for the work was a Bronx school stabbing in the Fall of 2017. There is such irony in the, all too common occurrence, of the bully getting fed up with being abused, and eventually becoming the aggressor. How could the tables turn so drastically, so quickly? And who is the actual victim here?
BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
2474 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY, 10461
November 1, 2018: 8:00pm
November 2, 2018: 8:00pm