June, 4-11, 2022

Barre Instructor Certification Training

Teaching at Dance Wave in Brooklyn

Barre Vida Certification trainings are intense and fun 12 hour training courses that certify you to teach barre upon completion of the training. This training will be held in NYC but you can take the training virtually from your home so you don't have to live in NYC. The training focuses on TEACHING and cueing an effective barre class that is adaptable to all levels. Barre Vida is leading the industry in providing qualified barre instructors who know hands-on corrections, modifications, beat musicality, and teacher presence. Learn all of this plus receive the manual with barre exercises, practice teaching them to the correct BPM during the training, understand barre alignment, learn about the Lotte Berk foundation exercises, and know the exercise science behind barre. MOST importantly become a confident barre instructor!! No re-Certification feed, NASM, AFAA, and ACE CEUS.  This training is directed towards dancers, fitness instructor, yoga instructor, or anyone with knowledge in exercise science and physiology. 

Discounts offered to Dancers, Full Time Students, and Teachers - Email for code and metion this posting. 


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