Thursday, May 21, 2020

Beginner House dance online class

miss al boogie is pictured leading a dance class from her living room miss al boogie

Inject some fun and some movement into your day with Beginner House dance with miss al boogie. Join her on Zoom to follow along. Pay what you can/suggested $7-10.

House dance is rooted in New York City club dance culture, music and movement.

All you need is your living room, something comfortable to wear and some water.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 7397 4625
Password: 584550

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A Black woman is arching back with her arms creating a v. She is wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt with a long black skirt. Here skin is the color of amber & her natural hair is black with golden brown highlights.


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There are two different photos taken by Elyse Mertz: the left photo is from The ChoreoJoey Project & the right photo is Janet Aisawa & Osamu Uehara/Ai Dance Theater.

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