Saturday, September 28, 2024

Benefits of Reiki Healing

Flyer with event details

Harkness Center is pleased to announce its Harkness Center Saturday Series! These in-person workshops will be led by our clinical staff and feature various topics on dancer wellness and injury prevention. Unless otherwise noted, they will take place at our physical therapy clinic (614 2nd Ave., 2G, NY, NY 10016). All members of the dance community are welcome (dancers under age 16 are strongly encouraged to come with a parent/guardian*).

Our September 2024 workshop will be Benefits of Reiki Healing.

This workshop will introduce the history and research behind Reiki, including its potential benefits of reducing pain, stress, depression, and anxiety. Participants will experience firsthand these benefits through a group Reiki session with Reiki master, and Harkness athletic trainer, Joshua Honrado, DAT.

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