April 21 - May 12, 2015

Body Expenditures: Excesses, Depletions, and Smoke Breaks

Body Expenditures: Excesses, Depletions, and Smoke Breaks

Work with performance focusing on bodies under the influence of contemporary labor practices and the hard borders of geopolitics, law, and gender. In this studio-laboratory explore how relevant texts can translate into movement, how arbitrary borders become lived experience, and how work remakes the body. The culmination of this workshop series will be a group performance of the participant’s collective findings and queries on these topics.

Teaching artists- Artists: Joni Murphy & J. Soto

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A Black woman is arching back with her arms creating a v. She is wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt with a long black skirt. Here skin is the color of amber & her natural hair is black with golden brown highlights.


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There are two different photos taken by Elyse Mertz: the left photo is from The ChoreoJoey Project & the right photo is Janet Aisawa & Osamu Uehara/Ai Dance Theater.

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