July 29 - August 12, 2024

Brian Brooks - STREB Alumni PopAction Class Series

Dancers participating in 'flying' and ground exercises with STREB instructors Roman Varlamov

Mondays, 6:30-8 pm

STREB’s Summer Alumni PopAction Class Series is back! We are thrilled to celebrate the STREB legacy and welcome our esteemed Action Heroes to back the lab for PopAction masterclasses. Our alumni instructors will lead students through a thrilling exploration of the PopAction technique and finish with a special post-class Q&A session. This is your opportunity to engage directly with STREB alumni and gain invaluable insights into the evolution of PopAction and the enduring legacy that continues to inspire performers.

July 8th: Christine Chen
July 15th:  TBD
July 22nd: Sarah Joseph-Donnelly
July 29th: Brian Brooks
August 5th: Brian Brooks
August 12th: Brian Brooks
August 19th:  Fabio Tavares
August 26th:  Fabio Tavares 

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