May, 2-16, 2021

CONFERENCE CALL with Londs Reuter and stormy budwig co-presented by CPR

Photo collage with leaves and branches tied with a white rope and two images of young children, and the text CONFERENCE CALL. Londs Reuter and stormy budwig

CPR-Center for Performance Research

Sunday Salon: CONFERENCE CALL with Londs Reuter and stormy budwig
Sundays, May 2, 9, & 16, 2021
1:00 PM- 2:00PM EST
TICKETS: $0 – $25, pay what you can
Each session is limited to 12 participants, and will take place virtually, via Zoom

Facilitated by 2021 Artist-in-Residence Londs Reuter and collaborator stormy budwig, CONFERENCE CALL will be open-ended, rich with suggestions, and available for mess. Are you growing weary of your own patterns? Come and remember what time can feel like off-screen.

During CONFERENCE CALL, we will keep our cameras off. You are welcome to join from a computer or a phone, by logging in or dialing in. You can be in a private or public space, in one room or on the go. We only ask that you remain UNMUTED for the duration of the call. Participants can attend any or all 3 sessions.
CONFERENCE CALL will be 60 minutes long with live captioning provided by Cory Dostie.

Sunday Salon is an extension of CPR’s Artist-in-Residence (AiR) Program, and provides a platform for AiRs to share their current practice with the larger CPR and NYC performance community. Sunday Salon may take many forms, including presentations of live work, artist talks, and presentations of research, materials, and ephemera.

Londs Reuter is a dance artist and access worker. Londs makes dances to examine her material -- its inheritances, its possibilities, and its eventualities. In 2020, she released a book online called Private Inventory, edited by Laurel Atwell/Spooky Actions. She is currently an Artist in Residence at CPR.

stormy budwig's embodied & relational work with the planet since 2012 is grounded in hydropoetics, rehearsal ecologies, & sensuous transmission. In 2019, storm's hybrid dance project / symposium of somatic experiments resistance fantasies was supported by an FCA Emergency Grant; she protested The Shed's opening with a revolutionary picnic in Hudson Yards; and held a slow walking intervention on Wall Street at rush hour. Since 2019, storm has been researching & praxis-ing via master exerce in Montpellier, France, and has just released flood drafts: a field guide for sensuous repair with The Hungry Mothers collective x Loam Publications. Storm began to compose & rehearse movement in 2010 at The New School, on Lenapehoking land. She is based in Montpellier and New York.

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