May, 9-12, 2019

CREST: 1st Annual Creature Fest

CREST Design: Cameron Mizell

Introducing CREST, The First Annual Creature Fest. These performances are curated by ChristinaNoel Reaves and produced by ChristinaNoel & The Creature, a Brooklyn-based dance theatre company that produces immersive dance theatre performances. Come see a unique evening of choreographers whose dance work mixes mediums, such as theatre, vocalization, live music, visuals, or anything else they’ve dreamed up.

Tickets HERE.

Thursday, 5/9 @ 8pm 
Sunday, 5/12 @ 6pm

Each show has a completely different lineup of performers!

Dave Hannon
Depth Dance 
james morrow/The Movement 
Emily Pacilio and Gavin Price 
a??a?? Jiang Feng 
Lilianna Kane 
Kelly Todd 
BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance 

Dave Hannon 
Collin Ranf 
Elk + Feather 
Piug Dance Theatre 
Smashworks Dance 
Melissa Valente 
Mary Carter

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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