June 10 - July 1, 2014

Call for Submissions

STUFFED: Dinner and Dance is accepting submissions for our next three shows at Judson Memorial Church in 2014:  Performances take place on the first Wednesday of the month at 8pm.

July 2nd

September 3rd

December 3rd 

We are looking for choreographers and performance artists who are interested in testing the waters for new or experimental work, first time collaborations, and/or old work that needs to come down off the shelf to be dusted off; performed in a open and communal environment.

STUFFED: Dinner and Dance with Bailout Theater is a low-tech, high visibility performance platform that was created in response to the financial crisis by providing an evening of free food and performance to the public. 
The evening begins with a home-cooked meal sourced from local restaurants and Judson Church community members. Once the audience has indulged their bellies they can indulge everything else with a succinct selection of tasty dance entertainment.
No cost, no catch, no proselytizing, no processed food.

If you are interested, please email submissions to: stuffed.bailouttheater@gmail.com

Please include:
-Your name and a sentence or two about yourself.
-A paragraph about what you are submitting, ie: a pre-existing work OR proposal for new work.
-A link to a clip of the proposed work, or your most recent work. PLEASE include start and stop times. (NOTE: we will only watch 30 seconds of each clip.)
-The month(s)/date(s) for which you are applying must be included in the email heading. For example: "STUFFED submission for JULY 2nd, 2014"

Please be advised:
-Work selected for STUFFED should not exceed 15 minutes.
-Each selected artist/group will receive a three hour rehearsal at Judson Church to take place the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday leading up to the Wednesday evening show.
-Tech rehearsal takes place the day of the show at Judson Church.

Submissions deadline for July is June 18th, 2014

Submissions deadline for September and December is July 1st, 2014

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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