Friday, January 8, 2021

Cuban Modern with Isvel Bello

Dancer twisting towards parallel pase while on releve. Jessie Jeanne Stinnett

lsvel leads open virtual Boston Dance Theater Company Class.

Register in advance:

Free admission. A suggested donation of $5 is greatly appreciated to support the teacher during the COVID-19 crisis.

Isvel Bello Rodríguez received his Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Dance from University of Arts (ISA) and is a graduate from The National School of Modern and Afro Cuban Folklore (ENA), both located in Havana, Cuba. Isvel was a former dancer at Compañía Danza Espiral and MalPaso Dance Company from Cuba among other independent and experimental projects. His solo performance “Tokonoma” has been awarded with the Critic's Award in the National Competition of Solamente Solos and with the Ramiro Guerra Award, in Cuba. He has worked with choreographers such as Liliam Padrón, Osnel Delgado Relinde Moors, Trey McItyre, Ronal K. Brown, Rosi Herrera and has performed at several dance festivals in Netherlands, Mexico, Ecuador, France, Venezuela, Martinique, Canada, USA, as well as The Joyce Theater (NYC) and Ted Shawn Theater at Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival (Massachusetts).


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