Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dancer Audition

Dancer Audition

First call: November 4th & 5th 
Callbacks: November 14th & 15th

Seeking professional dancers with a minimum of 3 years professional concert dance or company credits. It is essential performers have very strong contact and partnering skills and excellent contemporary dance technique. Physical theater and versatility are helpful as the roles require fluidity between naturalistic and stylized performance. Looking for dynamic and mature performers with openness and ability to take on and tell a story through movement.

Must have a valid work Visa for the duration of our rehearsal and performance schedule beginning January 13th, 2010. We require full availability for the duration of the contract ending August 30th, 2020.

AUDITIONS ARE APPOINTMENT ONLY... please attach a resume, headshot, and video link (YouTube or Vimeo only) to

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