Friday, April 5, 2019

Dancify That (Dance Game Show)

Shannon Nash and Sam Szabo dancifying a video of a monkey that perched itself on the back of a goat for weeks. Morgan Shortell

Once a year we do this show with dancers (where it started! It has since migrated to the comedy world, so...)

Come check out the annual

Dancify That Contemporary Dancer Edition-- a dance game show that has dancers competeing in creating choreography inspired by the mayhem of the internet. It might be a viral video, a meme, or a funny news report. Dancers watch the video (along with the audience) and then have 3 minutes to "dancify that."

We watch them make the dance, eat free snacks, do a sexy aerobic routine, and then they perform. After that, comedians judge them and the audience eventually decides who wins. 

Hosted by comedy and dance genius, Deb Lohse and featuring: 

Kelly Bartnik
Donna Costello
Kelsey Kramer
Lexie Thrash
Julius Powell
Nia Calloway
Will Noling
Hannah Garner
Sarah Dahnke
Karilyn Surratt

"One of the best night's out in NYC". 

"Better and funnier than so you think you can dance." 

"Inspired comic rehab for the souls of dancers."

And then there are some people that don't like it one bit. But if you're in the dance world, I think you'll appreciate the fun we have. 

$12 online, $15 at the door. 
Doors 9:15, show 9:30.


Contact Billy at with any questions. 

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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