November 30 - December 3, 2023

Dawn of the Wylding

Cat-like Wylding stares at you with neon green eyes

Ripening’s latest incarnation, Dawn of the Wylding, is a dance theater performance and immersive installation that integrates cinematic interludes, live video and music to illustrate themes of ecofeminism, animal mythology, and femme empowerment. Directed, choreographed, produced, and written by Vanessa Walters, in collaboration with the performers and creative team.

Dawn of the Wylding features performers Alexandra Berger, Alicia Dellimore, Gwendolyn Gussman, Joey Kipp, Tara O’Con, Trevor Vaughn, Vanessa Walters, Michelle Yard, and Lucy Struever York. Video by TAXIPLASM and Sound Design by Omar Zubair.

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