Saturday, May 4, 2019

Drye/Marinaro Dance Company Elements Workshop/Audition

elements image Lara Slotnick

The Drye/ Marinaro Dance Company will be performing at New York Live Arts on Sunday, June 2nd @ 5pm & are looking for dancers to perfrom along side the company in a community piece. The show is entiled "Elements" and explores how Earth, Fire, Wind ,and Water are established in Genesis to the present.

Dancers who would like to be considered must attend our Elements in Motion Workshop on Saturday, May 4th from 2-5pm. This is a contemporary-modern, dance-based workshop exploring earth, fire, wind, and water. Through technique, repertoire, partnering, and improvisation, each dancer will have the opportunity to embody unique dynamics and textures that these four elements inspire. There will be a strong focus on intention, passion, and purpose, and will serve as the audition for the piece in the June 2nd Show and for future work with the Company. 

The Workshop is open for all movers of all levels & does not have to be for audition purposes. The Workshop is $20 for the class and will include a 2.5 hr class and conclude with a short demonstration of some of the work being produced in the show. 

To Sign Up Visit:

For any other questions, please email us at

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