Saturday, November 4, 2017

ELEMENTS - World Premiere

Elements World Premiere Nov 4 Rachel Neville

The moods, energies and qualities of the four elements Air, Fire, Water and Earth come to vivid life in a world premiere contemporary ballet work Elements for Neville Dance Theatre's twelfth fall NYC season. Presented in four sections - Zephyr, Embers, Raindrops and Gemstone's Labradorite, Agate, Amethyst and Rhodocrostie, the work is told through movement and vibrant images and video. Includes music by Four Tet, Chopin, Christopher O'Riley, Max Richter and more. 

Production also includes the world premiere of Children’s Corner, a playful neo-classical ballet set to the music of Claude Debussy by guest choreographer Nanako Kitagawa plus audience repertory favorite Exposed by choreographer Brenda R. Neville, a feast of towering shadow images and movement that explodes with a sense of magic, intrigue, beauty and energy.

Sponsored by Art for Life and Education, Freed of London USA and PhysioWellness.

Tickets available online at  

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