January 18 - February 15, 2018

ENZO CELLI new classes at Gibney Dance

Enzo Celli Natalie Deryn Jhonson

"An absolute novelty." Il Tempo

New series of classes of the Italian choreographer director of the VIVO Ballet.
A new path signed by Enzo Celli within the world of avant-garde contemporary dance. A dive into a new language, with a strong physicality. 
A vision of contemporary dance, involving and fascinating. Not just classes but an artistic journey in the vision of one of the most followed teachers.

Enzo Celli’s class is a class contemporary floorwork dance technique. Class leads the dancer to a thorough study on the center and its fundamental relationship with the movement, creating a dynamic characterized by strong physicality and the relationship with the ground.
Developing the concept of Bounce, in terms of rhythm and dynamics, the circularity becomes dominant element, along with the study of a new perception of themselves. The class explores the dynamics strongly working on the ground, investigating both the technical steps fundamentals floorwork as subsequent contamination arising from the personal development of the technique. The class investigates the creative moment of the dancer. It will bring the dancer to express themselves, without changing the form to the movement, enriching the dance given by the choreographer with his own personality and emotions.


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