Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Engagement & Aesthetics: How does your art practice intersect with your communty?
“Community Engagement” – this now ubiquitous term permeates arts and service organizing, encompassing the socially conscious interaction of artist, work, and the community they exist and create in. Yet, what does “community engagement” really mean and what does it look like? How does being active in your community affect and interact with the work you make?
FABNYC’s Executive Director Risa Shoup will be conversing with dancemakers Dante Brown, Larissa Velez Jackson, and Clarinda Mac Low, to discuss their experiences of social engagement in community, as well as pose questions about the relationship between engagement, aesthetics — and why it matters.
While this panel speaks most pointedly to dancemakers and the field of dance, the discussion is relevant and valuable to all communities and practices of art. Join us and share your perspective on this ever salient topic in our field.
Veselka kindly fuels our evening with pirogis and FAB provides some beer for all!
59-61 E. 4th Street, 4th Flr
New York, NY, 10003
April 27, 2016: 7:00pm