Friday, December 4, 2015

FESTIVAL | Performance: Abby Zbikowski & Gwen Welliver

FESTIVAL | Performance: Abby Zbikowski & Gwen Welliver photos by Jinyou Lim and Alex Escalante

Co-curated by Beth Gill and Cori Olinghouse
November 30 - December 6, 2015

Festival info:

with Abby Zbikowski & Gwen Welliver 
December 4 FRI 8pm / $15 general / $12 Danspace Members
Danspace Project, 131 E 10th St


What can be transmitted through motion, through the material of the body? What is kinetic imagination? How can the body suggest meaning beyond abstraction? 

Gwen Welliver - What a Horse! 
Welliver continues to embrace both formalism and fantasy in her work, What a Horse! Inspired by artist Paul Klee's image of the same name (Was Fur ein Pferd!, 1929), Welliver and her collaborators lift the image from the page into the dimensions of dance, with all the real and imaginary states that this implies.

Abby Zbikowski - double nickels on a dime
double nickels on the dime exists in a space that questions the vast playing field of contemporary dance and aggressively asks, "How can it be leveled to speak to multiple populations simultaneously and where do these accompanying aesthetics have the right to be seen?" Its highly physical and driving movement vocabulary is fueled by the energy and ethos of punk and hip-hop. Dancers fully commit their bodies and minds as they work through overcoming the odds of physical failure and self-doubt to discover ways of moving and being in the world that transcend the expectations that surround the dancing body.

Gwen Welliver sees her dances as attempts to merge her movement research with her drawing research. She studies the history of graphic methods for recording human motion as nonfigurative drawings. Recent support for Welliver's works and process has come from La MaMa, Spoleto Festival USA, Movement Research, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York Foundation for the Arts, New York Live Arts, the Museum of Arts and Design, New Music USA, and Center for Performance Research. Welliver has been a Movement Research faculty member since 1997 and is a 2015 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence. 

Abby Zbikowski is a choreographer, an Assistant Professor of Dance at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is on faculty at the American Dance Festival. Her choreographic work with her company, Abby Z and the New Utility, has been presented by Gibney Dance Center in NYC and Kelly Strayhorn Theater in Pittsburgh, among other venues. She has been an artist in residence as part of the nEW Festival in Philadelphia and at the Bates Dance Festival. Abby has studied intensively at Germaine Acogny's L'École de Sables in Senegal, holds a BFA in dance from Temple University and an MFA in dance from Ohio State University, where she worked closely with mentor Bebe Miller.

photos by Jinyou Lim and Alex Escalante

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