Saturday, December 5, 2015

FESTIVAL | Self-Portraiture: Self-Prompt with Gwen Welliver

FESTIVAL | Self-Portraiture: Self-Prompt with Gwen Welliver Photo by Ian Douglas

Co-curated by Beth Gill and Cori Olinghouse
November 30 - December 6, 2015

Festival info:

Workshop: Self-Portraiture: Self-Prompt 
with Gwen Welliver
December 5 SAT 4:30-6:30pm / $15
Eden's Expressway, 537 Broadway


Working with concepts from dance and drawing, we will practice self-portraiture as an approach to both warming up and preparing to work. Exercises are designed to improve your physical and visual concentration. We will explore line quality and rhythm via analytic and impulsive descriptions of our unique dancing bodies. This workshop is open to artists from any discipline.

Gwen Welliver sees her dances as attempts to merge her movement research with her drawing research. She studies the history of graphic methods for recording human motion as nonfigurative drawings. Recent support for Welliver's works and process has come from La MaMa, Spoleto Festival USA, Movement Research, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York Foundation for the Arts, New York Live Arts, the Museum of Arts and Design, New Music USA, and Center for Performance Research. Welliver has been a Movement Research faculty member since 1997 and is a 2015 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence.

Photo by Ian Douglas

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