Thursday, April 4, 2019

FLUXX Part 2 (work-in-progress)

A woman dances bent over, while another woman sings into a microphone. Courtesy of FLUXX

FLUXX Part 2 (work-in-progress)
THU-FRI, APR 4-5 | 7PM
Tickets: $8 Adv / $12 Day of Show

A Black woman's life has always held close the seed of spirituality. FLUXX Part 2 cuts into that seed as an interrogation of personal memories and those of mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, and what it can look like to take it to the stars.

This is an embodied performance and musical journey, which creates space to capture that essence of the ultimate intergalactic BLACK nurturing, healing, leading, diva spirit in all her glory. This work-in-progress aims to capture the dissonance between the difficult internal dialogues backstage/behind closed doors, to the journey ethereal feelings, hopes, & dreams. A creation from a NEW world, where all her demise and discombobulations reveal tireless beauty and strength.

Created, choreographed, and performed by Courtney J. Cook and Tendayi Kuumba
Co-Creative Director/Music Producer: Greg Purnell
House DJ/music support: DJ Manchild Black

This work was created, in part, with a space grant from BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange with support from the New York State Council on the Arts, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Jerome Foundation.

General Admission: Seated

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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