March 1 - December 27, 2022

Finding Meditation through Movement (for all)

Colorful Poster of dancer in a flowy dress on pointe and making a zig zag shape. Tuesdays, 9:30 am - 10:00 on IG Live. Steve Lopez

Finding Meditation through Movement is a practice designed to abstractly reflect on everyday tasks and adjustments to find a tangible relationship between the physical body, sensation, and problem-solving skills. The class is a guided experience that blends breath work, somatic techniques, dance, and improvisation. The purpose is to confront our internal being, pay attention to breath, and hone in the ability to control and redirect our energy and thoughts by finding moments of peace within ourselves and allowing the subconscious to digest. This workshop lab series is not only beneficial for promoting good mental health practices, but also encourages movement, exercise, and team-building skills; connecting brain and body. It is known that creative thinking, meditation, dance, and thus exercise are vital elements in minimizing symptoms from depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Additionally, individuals and groups are suffering due to the effects of self-isolation and other circumstances caused by the Pandemic. This workshop lab series is not only beneficial for promoting good mental health practices, but also encourages movement and exercise. It is known that creative thinking, meditation, dance, and thus exercise are vital elements in minimizing symptoms from depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Additionally, individuals and groups are suffering due to the effects of self-isolation and other circumstances caused by the Pandemic. Meditation and movement benefit the spiritual self and raise our level of consciousness. Regular practice increases concentration and improves focus to enhance the clarity of our thoughts which will then improve decision making. The benefits of this class series will accrue in all aspects of life including but not limited to studies, career, social life, and overall health. These classes are geared for all ages and groups. The Class is ongoing weekly on Instagram live @_projectkb 30 minutes only. All levels, experiences, and abilities are welcome. Tuesdays 9:30 am - 10:00 am EST

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban

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