August 30 - September 3, 2010
Forsythe Technique with Helen Pickett
Company: Peridance Capezio Center
Venue: Peridance Capezio Center
Location: New York, NY
Lean the basic foundations of the Forsythe technique and its improvisational nature will help you lean to move rather than pose. Aug 30, 2010 - Sep 3, 2010; Mon - Fri 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Peridance Capezio Center
126 E 13th
New York, NY, 10003
August 30, 2010: 1:00pm
August 31, 2010: 1:00pm
September 1, 2010: 1:00pm
September 2, 2010: 1:00pm
September 3, 2010: 1:00pm