Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Free Ping Pong on Election Day -- “United by Ping Pong” SPIN Midtown

On Tuesday, November 5, SPIN Midtown is offering free ping pong to anyone who votes! Just show proof—whether it's an "I Voted" sticker, a photo, or any voting confirmation—and enjoy a free hour of ping pong. As a sport ping pong is known to break down barriers (ever heard of ping pong diplomacy??) and SPIN’s not only a welcoming environment to connect on the court despite differences, but the perfect destination to let off some steam on election day. Plus there’s great drinks, bites and more to take the edge off the election day anxiety. Anyone taking advantage of the offer can also score $9 after 9pm deals which includes a special menu that’s all $9 or lower.
SPIN Midtown
1626 Broadway, New York, New York, 10019, between W 49th-50th Streets
New York City, NY, 10019
November 5, 2024: 4:00pm