November, 3-8, 2015
Garth Fagan Dance
The Fagan aesthetic—“balletic rigor and precision in conjunction with a desultory looseness of body and unbridled bursts of energy” (The New York Times)—is on display when the company returns to The Joyce with a terrific program of new pieces by Garth Fagan and Norwood Pennewell and some of Fagan’s best work throughout the years: Passion Distanced, from 1987; No Evidence of Failure, from 2013; and Mudan from 2009, “quite possibly one of the finest works Mr. Fagan has created.” The New York Times
The Joyce Theater
175 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY, 10011
212 242 0800
November 3, 2015: 7:30pm
November 4, 2015: 7:30pm
November 5, 2015: 8:00pm
November 6, 2015: 8:00pm
November 7, 2015: 2:00pm