June, 1-3, 2016
Gibney Studios, Contemporary Forms
Company: Tiffany Mills Company
Venue: Gibney Dance Center (Downtown Location)
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Taught by Tiffany Mills, this class offers an opportunity to work in-depth on body alignment, physical clarity, breath, and movement initiation so the dancer can connect his/her inner and outer worlds. In the warm-up, students are brought to a calm place, focusing on ease in the muscles while allowing the skeleton to move freely, yet clearly. From here, dancers are guided through exercises to mentally and physically awaken and energize. Students will explore connection to the floor—through use of weight, connection to space—through use of focus, and connection to a partner – through use of touch. The class will culminate with powerful and articulate group improvisational structures. All levels welcome. Optional: Be considered for a Tiffany Mills Company Summer Intensive Scholarship by attending class at Gibney. Questions: info@tiffanymillscompany.org
Tiffany Mills Company
280 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY, 11211
June 1, 2016: 10:00am
June 3, 2016: 10:00am