January, 14-17, 2016
God Bless Baseball
The sport of baseball, an iconic American symbol, takes center stage in this newest work by visionary Japanese playwright/director Toshiki Okada (chelfitsch theater company). Positioning the U.S. as the parent and Japan and Korea (where baseball is now deeply rooted in popular culture) as brothers, Okada depicts with humor and cynicism, the naïve adoration that the brothers have for their parent and the parent’s influence on their lives. God Bless Baseball features a cast of Japanese and Korean actors and a stage set created by acclaimed visual artist Tadasu Takamine. Performed in Japanese and Korean with English titles.
Tickets: $35/$28 Japan Society members
Part of The Public Theater's Under the Radar Festival.
Japan Society
333 East 47th St.
New York, NY, 10017
(212) 715-1258
December 18, 2015: 8:00pm