April 2 - May 28, 2020

Ground Conditioning For Quarantine with Kyla Ernst-Alper

Ground Conditioning For Quarantine with Kyla Ernst-Alper

We're all in this together as we practice social distancing. Join this 30-minute intense strength and conditioning workout to keep your aerial muscles in gear. We will use some props: a tennis ball or hand towel, a theraband, a block or two, and some free weights in both the light (3-5lbs) and medium range (10-20lbs). If you don't have free weights improvise with filled water bottles, cans of food, bags of rice, a stack of books, or pets. You'll also need a wall that you can lean against and enough floor space to lay flat with your legs extended and your arms over your head.

Join here: https://zoom.us/j/632208310

Donations welcome via MindBody registration, Paypal (themusebrooklyn@gmail.com) and Venmo (@TheMuseBrooklyn), just please don't forget to mention the name of the class and day!

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