July, 13-16, 2011

He Who Burns

He Who Burns
Choreographed by Wendy Jehlen, He Who Burns follows the figure of Iblis, also known Satan, in some Sufi traditions. The performance combines dance and theatre, elements of Islam and Hinduism, and growing out of performance styles as divergent as Brazilian Capoeira, Japanese Butoh, Sanskrit theater, contact improvisation, West African dance and American sign language poetry. Since its premiere in 2006, it has been seen The Kennedy Center, Boston University, The Ailey Citigroup Theater in New York, and at venues throughout India. HE WHO BURNS explores the nature of humanity's relationship with the divine, the eternal quest for unity, and the illusion of duality in the human experience. It takes our notion of good and evil, the divine and the satanic, and turns it on its head. Staged as a trio, He Who Burns takes us on a journey from the time before time, through the suffering of Iblis in his separation from his Beloved, and his quest for the same, through to his ecstatic annihilation.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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