Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Immersive Performance Skills: Soft Bodies, Hard Surfaces
Taught by Marissa Nielsen-Pincus, Associate Artistic Director of Third Rail Projects, this workshop will explore movement techniques for working in site specific and immersive environments and will investigate concepts of yielding, countering, and locomotion among other possibilities when moving on architecture and furniture. We will delve into questions such as: How do we take care of our bodies when working on hard surfaces? How do we carefully support risk-taking and bold choice-making? How do we make movement that feels organic to the particular structure we are working on? Open to all skill levels. A dance or theater background is not required, but a willingness to move and explore is a requisite.
Third Rail Projects
195 Maujer St
Brooklyn, NY, 11206
April 5, 2017: 11:00am