October 7 - December 2, 2023

Into-You-I-See Fall Workshop Series

Overlapping hands lined in orange over a tan colored background with foliage and text written in a maroon color

Into-You-I-See is coming back to round off 2023 with a 3-part workshop series! The workshop will be held indoors in Downtown Manhattan on the First Saturday of October, November, and December - register for 1, 2, or all! The workshop will be held indoors in downtown Manhattan and will be confirmed after registration via email at least 48 hours before the workshop.

October 7th, November 4th, and December 2nd


Downtown Manhattan (confirmation after registration)


$10/workshop or $25 for the full series!

Workshop Description:

A play on the word "intimacy," Into-You-I-See is a human connection movement workshop focusing on choreography-building through physical responses during uncomfortable and deeply emotional moments. This collaborative workshop explores the language of movement and the unspoken interpretation of self, our subconscious. We use listening exercises as the foundation for this workshop.

We will be using the "We're Not Really Strangers" card deck, a card game created to deepen existing relationships and create new ones.

Please dress comfortably. Option to be barefoot or wear socks.

Designed for non-dancers and dancers.

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