March 28 - August 30, 2020

Introduction to Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF)

Understanding Movement

Our Intensive 2-Day Weekend Workshop: Introduction to Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF)runs from 10:00AM to 6:00PM on Saturday & Sunday and is taught by experienced LIMS Certified Movement Analysts (CMAs).

Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF) are a set of principles and unique movement exercises developed by physiotherapist and dancer Irmgard Bartenieff. Her methodology explores the principles of kinesiological functioning, which can be used to observe, explore and analyze our bodies in motion. Immerse yourself in an extraordinary, integrative movement experience that goes beyond technique and can be extended into all types of movement possibilities. Explore the underlying principles of movement through the lens of Bartenieff: this pioneer somatic movement approach continues to inform and change the fitness, performing arts, and communication worlds.

Required for entry for the LIMS® Certification Program in Laban Movement Studies.

It is highly recommended that this workshop be taken in conjunction with Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis (LMA).

Email for more information.

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