Thursday, March 4, 2021

It Takes Two: An Evening in Argentina

An invitation to "It Takes Two: An Evening in Argentina" hosted by Dancing Classrooms NYC

Join us for an intimate virtual celebration of some of our favorite pairs: wine and tapas, music and dancing, Dancing Classrooms and YOU!

The evening will feature an Argentine wine tasting, cooking demonstration, a Tango mini-lesson, and conversation with Dancing Classrooms Alumni, Students, and Teaching Artists about the power of tango to inspire students of all ages.

We will send you an easy shopping list of all you need to prepare for a delicious evening.

Your $30 donation offers you the opportunity to bring a guest and make it two. Enter your guest’s information at registration and we will be sure they get all the information they need to join the evening’s festivities.

The evening will be hosted by musician, composer, dancer, choreographer and Dancing Classrooms Alumni Dwayne Beach and will feature an Argentine wine tasting with wine educator Alicia Barret, cooking demonstration by proprietor and executive chef of King’s Carriage House Restaurant, Elizabeth King, a Tango mini-lesson by tango master Dardo Galletto, and conversation with Dancing Classrooms Senior Teaching Artists about the power of tango and social dance to inspire students of all ages.

Learn more about the event and our special guests here.

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