January, 5-9, 2020

JMTW Summer Intensive August 12-17

Sonja Chung, Elise King, Isaac Kerr, and Andy Jacobs in The Theory of Color at New York Live Arts 2019. Steven Pisano

JANUARY 6-10, 2020 | 10AM-3:00PM 


Exclusive opportunity to train with the iconic female choreographer Jennifer Muller in her unparalleled Muller Polarity Technique, while delving into selections of the expressive and virtuosic Muller repertory taught by Muller and company members. 

Winter Intensive Class Offerings

Muller Polarity Technique

JMTW's Winter intensive is anchored in Jennifer Muller’s internationally-renowned pedagogy: The Muller Polarity Technique, a highly-developed technique sourced from Eastern philosophy and concepts. Muller is one of the only choreographers of her generation to have developed a personalized technique. Her unique approach is known to increase technical skill, introduce the concept of both freedom and control in movement, transform tension into energy, and prevent injury through the holistic use of the body as a living instrument. TanzPlan Berlin chose Muller Polarity Technique as one of 7 unique contemporary dance techniques for its publication/DVD Tanztechnik 2010.  Winter Intensive dancers will take class in Muller Polarity Technique every day from 10am-11:45pm, taught by Muller herself, JMTW Artistic Council member John Brooks, and JMTW Company Members.            

JMTW Repertory Workshop

Winter Intensive dancers will learn and rehearse selections of the dynamic Muller repertory taught by Muller and company members in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and support. The dancers rehearse repertory in a professional environment with the aim of performing work in HATCH, a culminating studio showing on Friday, January 10th. This showcase will allow dancers to perform JMTW repertory, alongside 6 other emerging and established choreographers of NYC, and will conclude with a discussion about the preservation of live dance in New York City and beyond. Workshops will take place at The Works Studio from 12:00-1:30 every weekday. Winter Intensive Dancers must be available from 6-10:00pm on Friday January 10th if they wish to participate in the performance at 7:30pm.     

Performance Skills Workshop

A defining quality of Jennifer Muller’s choreography lies in the fusion of dance and theater. She has long been recognized as a "seminal influence on dance/theater", a reputation earned through her integration of clear emotive expression and technical virtuosity in choreography.  In the Performance Skills Workshop, dancers will go through a series of “on-your-feet” exercises designed to increase solo performance awareness, emotional communication, comfort “in one’s skin,” clarity of intention and development of “charisma”. This process is designed to reveal each performer as a distinct individual, with the aim of creating and refining a compelling stage presence in all Winter Intensive participants. Workshops will take place each weekday, 1:30-3:00pm. 

Registration: $400 Tuition (Includes a $50 Registration Fee).

Early Bird (Register Before November 10th): $350 (Includes $50 Registration Fee).

The Winter Intensive is open to all pre-professional and professional dancers. JMTW’s intensive offerings are best suited for dancers who have comprehensive training in contemporary dance. 

Due to space limitations, intensive is capped at 30 students. You must be 18 years of age to participate. Registration on a first-come, first-serve basis, but closes on January 2nd, 2020.

Early Bird Registration closes on November 10th. Register now to receive the discount!


Please email Katy Neely at kneely@jmtw.org or call 212-691-3803 for more information.

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