June, 2-9, 2021

Jennifer Nugent IN-PERSON // NYC Outside Class

Register: http://www.freeskewl.com/outside--nyc.html

Petals with Jennifer Nugent 

Drop-In to all, one, or two:
Wednesday, June 2nd, Monday, June 7th, and Wednesday, June 9th at 10am-12pm

Each Petal explores awareness, which could be considered spaciousness, in the feet, spine, and pelvic floor encouraging an experiencing mode in physicality; inviting a play with tipping, falling, and suspending off center simultaneously to find a flexible base of support. Inside each Petal we balance sensation, instinct, and the inherent musicality inside the body with the challenges of moving inside a set pattern or form. The idea of Petals is to pass through a repetitive structure and renegotiating our relationship to self while in conversation with movement.

Jennifer's teaching and dancing is inspired by all her teachers and mentors, most profoundly by Ann Cummings, Patricia Cummings, Linda Rogers Albritton, Beatrice LaVerne, Daniel Lepkoff, Wendell Beavers, Dale Andree, Bambi Anderson, Gerri Houlihan, David Dorfman, Lisa Race, Bill T. Jones, Janet Wong, Paul Matteson, Wendy Woodson, and Patty Townsend. Jennifer Nugent danced with the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company from 2009-2014, Paul Matteson, from 2004-2021, and David Dorfman Dance from 1999-2007. Nugent received a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2019 from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA.


If class cannot be held due to inclement weather, this class will be rescheduled for another time when we can gather outside. No Zoom!


Though we request pre-registration, we recommend paying for class at the event. We cannot accommodate refunds and the weather is unpredictable!

Payment is via a tiered system based on economic position. Determine your place on these scales by considering your circumstances of inherited wealth (financial and social capital) / other sources of financial support. Black, Indigenous, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latinx, Disabled, and Trans* folx may pay outside these tiers.
$7-15 - Unemployed
$15-25 - Stable Employment
$25-50 - Artist Supporter


Send to:
Venmo: @Jennifer-Nugent-23
PayPal: nugentjenn@gmail.com

Masks must be worn by participants except when away from the group to drink water, eat a snack, or take a breather. The facilitator may occasionally, briefly remove their mask when distanced from others so as to be heard. Please keep about 2+ feet distance between yourself and others.

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