Saturday, May 4, 2019

Jonathan Gonzalez presents Lucifer Landing II at Abrons Arts Center

Lucifer Landing II conceptualizes Blackness and post-Anthropocentricism, as well as the traditions of classicism, narratives of the ‘epic’, and conventions of classical opera. Informed by concepts championed by Buckminster Fuller and the Lower East Side Nuyorican collective CHARAS, a geodesic dome serves as the theatrical landscape for Lucifer (portrayed by Wayne Arthur Paul). Orating from the hold of an earthbound incarceration, Lucifer reveals the entanglements between the state of non-being that is black life and the non-human in order to imagine a lateralized intimacy on a damaged planet. The choreography and theatrical design function in correspondence with local indicators that monitor seismic and waterfront activity.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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