January 21 - June 30, 2016

Kathak Beginner/Intermediate

Kathak Beginner/Intermediate

Kathak Beginner/Intermediate
w/ Pandit S.N. Charka 
Thursdays 6pm-7pm (Jan Only)
Thursdays 6pm-8pm (Feb - June) 2x a month

Simple Studios 
134 West 29th Street
2nd Floor
Manhattan, NY 10001

Fees: Class Prices are as follows:

Two Night Purchase: Non-Members $150; Members pay $140
One Night Purchase: Non-Members $80; Members pay $70  Lotus Membership: $25 (annual)

Membership expires 1 year after date of purchase.


Classes will be held every Thursday in January from 6-7pm starting on Jan. 14.

Starting February, we will have 2hr classes every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 6-8pm.

Kathak is a North Indian classical dance form that originated in Hindu temples and was influenced by the Persian and Moghul courts. In Sanskrit, Katha means “to tell a story”. In this class, students will be introduced to the two major aspects of Kathak: Abhinaya, the dance/acting of a story or song, and Nritta, the expressive part, where dancers display technique and incorporate footwork, hand gestures and pirouettes within a given rhythmic framework .

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