July 25 - August 15, 2020


Liquidus Tabula Rasa Dance Theater

Tabula Rasa Dance Theater Presents: Liquidus


Liquidus; a series of solo dance performances conceived during New York City's COVID-19 shelter in place. Tabula Rasa Dance Theater will livestream this series on YouTube; Saturday July 25, August 1st, 8th, and 15th at 7pm EST. 


Four dancers from different communities with distinct experiences navigating COVID-19, two who have tested positive and two who have tested negative, will perform live from their respective homes. These performers have subsisted without support, unemployment benefits, or relief during lockdown.


Jonatan Lujan, Positive COVID-19, Argentinian

Noriko Naraoka, Positive COVID-19, Japanese

Winnie Asawakanjanakit, Negative COVID-19, Thai

Felipe Escalante, Founder and Artistic Director of Tabula Rasa Dance Theater, Negative COVID-19, Mexican

All living in New York City

The dancers fear their mortality. Afraid of contracting the virus, they won’t enter hospitals. Some feel powerless to help their families and loved ones in other countries. During this time the dancers suffer from feelings of hopelessness, solitude, depression, and anger. The many months in lockdown have affected their bodies and minds, including the abilities to be social beings. There is hope we'll emerge a better species after the pandemic ends but historically, plagues and pestilence have never fundamentally changed human nature.


Music by Felix Huerta. Costumes, coordinated by Executive Director Amy Fine Collins, designed by Geoffrey Beene, Noriko Naraoka and Sergio Perez. 


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDr3Ic4Kf3uEA4E1mQqYcww/featured

If you cannot watch the Livestream, there will be a showing of the recording at 2pm and 7pm the following day (for each performance).


There is a donation requested of $3.63

Donations: https://donorbox.org/support-tabula-rasa-dance-theater


Liquidus has been developed through the generous support of the Ford Foundation.

More information: https://www.tabularasadancetheater.com/liquidus


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