January, 4-8, 2016
MELT: fantasia.5 sessions with Sarah Michelson
Company: Movement Research
Venue: Abrons Art Center Studio G05
Location: New York, NY
Sarah Michelson
January 4-8
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
3:30pm-6pm $140
Abrons Art Center Studio G05
MELT: fantasia.5 sessions
We will consider together what it could be that January 2016 requires of us – and spend 5 afternoons. working. thinking.
Register here: http://www.movementresearch.org/classesworkshops/melt/
Movement Research
466 Grand St
New York, NY, 10002
January 4, 2016: 3:30pm
January 5, 2016: 3:30pm
January 6, 2016: 3:30pm
January 7, 2016: 3:30pm
January 8, 2016: 3:30pm