Saturday, July 1, 2017

MOMIX - Family Matinee Class - for children and adults

MOMIX - Opus Cactus

In Opus Cactus, Moses Pendleton brings the landscape of the American Southwest to life with his signature illusionistic style.  The dancers of MOMIX transform their bodies into soaring cactuses, Gila monsters, slithering sidewinders, frolicking insects and black mesa snakes. 

From soaring cacti, graceful birds and slithering lizards, to frolicking insects, gila monsters and black mesa snakes, the dancers of MOMIX transform themselves into each and every kind of visual wonder, using nothing but their bodies, costumes, lights, and props. 

Through modern dance and guided improvisation, we invite you to challenge your body and your imagination. Join cast member AUTUMN BURNETTE at our Joyce Family Workshop where you will explore new depths of movement, create wild and fantastic shapes and creatures, and learn a few secrets and tricks of the trade. Have fun moving your body and gain a glimpse into the exciting world of MOMIX.

Who may attend?
July 1st performances of MOMIX -  Joyce Family Matinee ticket holding youth aged 6-14 and accompanying adults.

For more information contact:


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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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