March, 2-16, 2022

MOVE: Community Imprints

Dancers stand with arms raised overhead with a purple backdrop and illuminated lanterns surrounding them. Karley Berrios

Ballaro Dance invites MOVERS (both dancers & non-dancers) to participate in a FREE, three-session virtual creative residency on Zoom. Each session will begin with a movement warm-up; the group will explore improvisational activities on storytelling, literal and abstract gesture, and personal memories. The participants will be guided to create their own mini-dance about a personal story or memory of their choosing.  

Participants will be invited to perform on Saturday, March 19, 2022 in a pre-show, site specific performance prior to the Ballaro Dance presentation of Embedded Memories at The Blue Gallery in Manhattan. Participants will be required to attend one 45-minute rehearsal on site the day of the event. (The pre-show rehearsal time is TBD, but likely between 5:00pm – 7:00pm, so please hold this window for now.)

More about the performance event: Ballaro Dance will present Embedded Memories, an illuminated installation rooted in honoring personal histories through the lens of scars and their images which live permanently on, and inside of, our bodies. Investigating the memories and stories these imprints hold, we can learn from one another and promote community healing.

Inspired first by Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery while highlighting the areas of breakage, golden accents illuminate these stories through numerous lighted lanterns ranging in size from 6” – 36” and inventive light pieces affixed to the dancers’ bodies. Deeper connections to Japanese philosophy and the process of healing have been explored through additional research and experiences in Reiki and Butoh. The piece began as a collaboration with NYC-based artist Allison Patrick and has grown and developed through contributions from the Community Imprints collection.

MOVE: Community Imprints participants will explore their own personal histories and dive deep into their creativity to explore new ways of storytelling with facilitation by project leader Marisa f. Ballaro. Community Imprints is a component of Marisa's ongoing MFA Thesis research at Montclair State University. Participants must sign a waiver to join sessions on Zoom and in performance at The Gallery; per NYC mandate, performers must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 to participate in the live performance. Please note that movement contributions and personal reflections developed in the workshop may be incorporated into future Embedded Memories performances and will be included in the research compilation.

Additional questions about the project, or want to REGISTER? 
Email Founding Artistic Director of Ballaro Dance, Marisa f. Ballaro at 

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