January 26 - February 23, 2025

Melt Method, Yoga, & Sound Bath for Dancers

3 images on the left side including: a woman using a foam roller on her back, a woman in a yoga pose, and sound bowls.

Healing through movement for dancers at Mind Your Body.

Mention this ad for 20% off Melt Method, Yoga, & Sound Bath Classes at MYB.

Yoga and Sound Bath

Healing through movement and meditation with rotating instructors

MELT® Method

The MELT® Method is a self-treatment technique designed to prevent injury, improve recovery time, and alleviate pain. Through a carefully coordinated series of movements on a soft body roller and specially designed balls, MELT® rehydrates the fascia, rebalances the nervous system, improves alignment, flexibility and muscle activation.

-Sunday 1/26 at 2pm - MELT® Method

-Tuesday 2/11 at 6:30pm-MELT® Method

-Friday 2/21 from 5-7pm - Yoga and Sound Bath

-Sunday 2/23 at 2pm - MELT® Method




1370 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10128

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