November, 3-4, 2018

"Message Received?"

Alt Project - "Message received?" Sarah Annie Navarrete

Spoke the Hub's 2018 Winter Follies Showcase audience voted choreographer, Jessica Stroh, to be their People's Choice favorite last winter. As the culmination of that award, she will be presenting new works with collaborator, Laura Mobley, in the launch of their company, Alt Project

Alt Project's new work, "Message received?", explores the emotional, mental, and physical give and take of communication. Our world offers us a plethora of pathways to communicate, but what makes it successful for us and those we want to communicate with? We text, call, dance, talk, etc. and wonder if others are truly understanding us. Is the Message received? Join our moving conversation for a night of connection, thought, and play. 

Alt Project aims to engage, connect, and transcend others through alternative mediums of performance art. Laura Mobley and Jessica Stroh co-founded Alt Project after discovering their mutual passion for fresh, impactful performance experiences of the body, soul, and spirit.

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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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