Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mixtures, presentation of 3 exclusive mixed pieces

Flyer with the information above Aileen Bassis

Mixtures is a collaborative program between Spanish and American artists based in NYC that work in different fields. The main goal is to create works that combine two artistic disciplines in order to generate new work dynamics and promote cultural exchange. The participating artists have been working for 3 months creating genuine works mixing different disciplines.

During the event, 3 exclusive works combining dance, poetry, film and photography will be presented in Teatro SEA on Tuesday May 3rd 7:30pm.

After there will be a Q&A conversation about the creation process, highlighting the challenges faced when working mixing different fields and cultures.


Juan Blanco, film maker & William Ervin choreographer
Icía Vázquez fashion designer and photographer & Chien-Ying Wang choreographer 
Eva Alarte poet and playwright & Aileen Bassis visual artist

RSVP to newyork@spainculture is necessary

The program has been organized by the team of the Cultural Office of the Consulate General of Spain in New York leaded by Celia Maldonado.

The event is supported by Fulbright Spain and Teatro Sea.

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