September, 9-25, 2015

Morning Class with Luis Lara Malvacías

September 9-25

M W F 10am-12pm

The class offers an open space to observe and experience our own particularity, range of mobility and to fine-tune our own needs.The first half of the class is focused on the breath, internal structure, weight, and the body’s articulations and organization. During the second half, after heightening our physical awareness perception and sensations, a collective phrase will be created to process the information provided. My class is influenced by many years of work with Jeremy Nelson and my studies of several somatic techniques.

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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.


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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.

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