March 21 - April 15, 2020

"My Body, My Country"

Anabella Lenzu Todd Carroll

From my living room to yours..... 
and Presented by BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance

I’m excited to invite you this coming Saturday, March 21 at 3pm (NYC time) to a FREE Online Event via ZOOM: 
“My Body, My Country” a Performance & Workshop Online 

How does our body become our homeland? 
During the 40 minutes online event,  I will lead a Body Mapping Workshop where together we will use movement, text, and drawings to share our own stories of our bodies.  This is an important moment to connect with our bodies in a creative way.
This workshop is FREE is open to audiences of all genders and ages interested in exploring themselves through movement and visual expression, and to experience a journey of self-discovering the body and accepting yourself anew. No previous experience is required. 
Before the workshop, please be prepared with paper to draw on (the bigger the better), crayons and drawing implements.
Comfortable clothes that allow movement are recommended.

What is ZOOM? Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, meeting recordings, and live chat. It is accessible everywhere -iOS, Android or your computer desktop. 
How to register?

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

PS: Body Mapping is an inter-generational dialogue tool helping people of different generations to talk to each other. The experience builds trust and deepens people’s understanding of how their lives are all connected with each other. The aim of this event is to explore issues of identity and agency, as experienced by a contemporary artist who is also a woman, mother, and immigrant in the United States. 

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