October 2 - November 27, 2018

NDI & The Art of Teaching: A 10-Week Workshop

A photo of a teaching artist leading a class of children

Tuesdays*, October 2 - November 27, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Register here by September 25th!)

Fee: $500
National Dance Institute Center for Learning & the Arts
217 West 147th Street, New York City
*Please note: one class will be held on a Saturday (November 3rd)

This workshop focuses on key aspects of the NDI methodology, such as effective classroom management techniques, teaching strategies for diverse learners, and the use of performance to motivate children to excellence.
The cohort will explore a different aspect of NDI's unique pedagogy during each two-hour class, and then apply the techniques to their work as educators throughout the week. Participants will emerge with new and powerful tools to use in their classrooms, connections with colleagues in the field, and inspiration to reinvigorate their teachingpractices. 
NDI & The Art of Teaching is open to teaching artists, professional dancers, and classroom teachers passionate about dance and movement.

Register here!

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